Crossland Technologies
Automation consultancy and prototyping services.
Inventors and entrpreneurs - we can help you!

What We Offer
A start to finish, concept to commissioned, automation constultancy.

Full design life cycle capabilities; from establishing user requirements to defining components.

Build, construct and refine prototypes and products.

Hands on start up and on site support. Launching your idea into existence.
We provide a variety of technical services that support inventors, entrepreneurs and start ups from that initial idea, that light bulb moment; all the way through to fully functioning products and systemts - "Bulb to built".
Whether its a consumer product, a laboratory test rig or software application we can assist.
It Ain't All Robots
The first thing most people imagine when they hear 'automation' is robots, or more specifically robotic arms; typically installed on a factory floor, undertaking mass scale fabrication.
In reality, robots (including robotic arms) only account for a very small portion of automated systems.
Automation is simply a means by which a task is performed with little to no human input.
So whether it's robotic arms or something else; we're here to help.
How Much?

Fixed Price
For those who have a clear idea of what they want delivered; fixed pricing is often the best way forwards. Discuss your deliverables with us and we will provide a fixed price quotation to deliver the work - easy as that. This allows you to understand the full price upfront before any work is started. We offer free, no obligation quotations, for any and all enquiries for work.

Fixed Rate
For those who want adhoc and/or have less defined deliverables we offer fixed rate pricing. This is a controlled, flexible and efficient way forwards.
Every piece of work is different and we do not have a flat fixed rate - it really does depend on what you need us to do. Talk to us today to understand how it would work for you.

Particularly for start-ups and individuals who are very early on in their journey; we can offer our services in return for equity. This allows your company (and invention) to recieve all the necessary automation skills it needs without handing over any actual money.
*Services rendered on an equity basis not on a cash basis.